How to Choose the Right SEO Company
SEO, or search engine optimization should be the most important component of your internet marketing strategy. While email marketing and internet advertising (Pay-per-click) can usually be handled in-house, SEO can be technical and is best outsourced to a SEO services company. Unsolicited emails and PPC Ads are ‘interruption marketing’ : you are interrupting your prospects attention with an unsolicited message. Such ads or messages can be annoying and tend to be ignored. In contrast, SEO is ‘permission marketing’ because the consumer is actively seeking information while typing keywords in search engine, and if your website is positioned at the top, it will get attention. Thus SEO has a lasting and profound impact on your business, while email marketing and internet advertising have short term impact. It follows that selecting the right SEO agency becomes very important. The task can be daunting since prices for SEO services vary widely, and you will meet vendors who promise top rankings within even a month, and other such claims. SEO can be quite technical and evaluating SEO providers is challenging. Here are some tips to evaluate and choose the right SEO company.